Dazzle of Day
A poem for the first day of spring... Dazzle of Day by Pablo Neruda Enough now of the wet eyes of winter. Not one single tear. Hour by hour, green is beginning, the essential season, leaf by leaf, until, by...
A poem for the first day of spring... Dazzle of Day by Pablo Neruda Enough now of the wet eyes of winter. Not one single tear. Hour by hour, green is beginning, the essential season, leaf by leaf, until, by...
Coffee House Poets They like to write where people are. They like a little noise with their silence. They want to look up and see something. They want to be surprised. They like the flow of bodies around them. Or...
ALL MY BODY CALLS All my body calls for something in this sleeping earth we call the spirit. But how from lifted arms where stars run through fingers and the night is like sand do I breathe a fragrance of...
What the River Says, I Say Selections from a series giving voice to the spirit of place along the Methow River in northern Washington State, written by William Stafford in response to a request by two rangers from the U.S....
The Sea I need the sea because it teaches me. I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, if it’s a single wave or its vast existence, or only its harsh voice or its shining suggestion of fishes and...
I Love You by Nâzım Hikmet I love you like dipping bread into salt and eating Like waking up at night with high fever and drinking water, with the tap in my mouth Like unwrapping the heavy box from the...
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