How Long Does It Take to Make the Woods?
How long does it take to make the woods? As long as it takes to make the world. The woods...
How long does it take to make the woods? As long as it takes to make the world. The woods...
Ask the World to Reveal Its Quietude Ask the world to reveal its quietude— not the silence of machines when...
My Courageous Life My courageous life has gone ahead and is looking back, calling me on. My courageous life has...
By Wendell Berry, excerpted from What Are People For? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Of Love by Mary Oliver I have been in love...
Poem of the One World This morning the beautiful white heron was floating along above the water and then into...
In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world where all things are at...
How much we crave rest, yet how little we truly rest. A deep breath, a pause in the midst of...
When you think about the teachers who gave you something valuable, some were kind and some were fierce. There were...
In Praise of Fire In the name of Fire, The Flame, And the Light: Praise the pure presence of Fire...
Like sunflowers, we are always turning toward the sun. We may not know it, we may feel as though we...
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