Dazzle of Day
A poem for the first day of spring... Dazzle of Day by Pablo Neruda Enough now of the wet eyes...
A poem for the first day of spring... Dazzle of Day by Pablo Neruda Enough now of the wet eyes...
Coffee House Poets They like to write where people are. They like a little noise with their silence. They want...
ALL MY BODY CALLS All my body calls for something in this sleeping earth we call the spirit. But how...
What the River Says, I Say Selections from a series giving voice to the spirit of place along the Methow...
Beloved Is Where We Begin - Jan Richardson https://www.afirstsip.com/2021/02/beloved-is-where-we-begin.html When I Am Among the Trees - Mary Oliver https://intrinsicheart.com/when-i-am-among-the-trees/ Rainer...
The Sea I need the sea because it teaches me. I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, if...
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