The Flute of Interior Time
THE FLUTE OF INTERIOR TIME - Kabir - The flute of interior time is played whether we hear it or not, What we mean by “love” is its sound coming in. When love hits the furthest edge of excess, it...
THE FLUTE OF INTERIOR TIME - Kabir - The flute of interior time is played whether we hear it or not, What we mean by “love” is its sound coming in. When love hits the furthest edge of excess, it...
To Go Into a Forest Alone by Jim Harrison What is it to actually go outside the nest we have built for ourselves, and earlier our father’s nest: to go into a forest alone with our eyes open? It’s different when...
Well, I am definitely up late. And why, I can’t tell you. Not, "I won’t tell you," but "I can’t tell you." Yet somehow, yet again, that’s what happens… And the dark is winding its beautiful spell of quiet, of...
There But For the Grace It could have happened. It had to happen. It happened sooner. Later. Nearer. Farther. It happened not to you. You survived because you were the first. You survived because you were the last. Because you...
With every step you take, this blessing rises up to meet you. It has been waiting long ages for you. Look close and you can see the layers of it, how it has been fashioned by those who walked this...
This is an exceptional piece, where every single line has a world of meaning. Each line could be a poem in itself, and every two lines could also stand alone as a separate poem. You can even read it backwards...
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