Meditation in Wyatt’s
It’s been over a year now since I had my mystical experience sitting among the old folks in Wyatt’s Cafeteria eating my fried chicken, over a year since I saw those silver lines extending from my heart to every person...
It’s been over a year now since I had my mystical experience sitting among the old folks in Wyatt’s Cafeteria eating my fried chicken, over a year since I saw those silver lines extending from my heart to every person...
Bow Down in Silence Bow down in silence to the earth, to the trees, to the moon, to the sun. It does not matter what the object is, what matters is bowing down – surrender, that feeling of gratitude. Wherever...
Don’t ask why the pine trees In the front garden Are gnarled and crooked. The straightness They were born with Is right there inside them. Sekiso The dharma spring has never run dry; it is flowing even now. A...
Spring overall. But inside us there's another unity. Behind each eye here, one glowing water. Every forest branch moves differently in the breeze, but as they sway they connect at the roots. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi art by Christi Belcourt
There is meaning in everything, here and now. Intrinsic meaning. Not far-away meaning, not future meaning. There may also be far-away or near-at-hand or future meaning, but this is about the meaning where we are now, wherever and however we...
What does it mean to gather the fringes of your garment? Whatever your tradition, these words can have meaning for you. It is a gathering—a bringing together—in every meaning of the word. To gather yourself and your attention to your...
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