Here, Always Here
At Fourth and Main in Liberal, Kansas, 1932 (Written August 27, 1993) An instant sprang at me, a winter instant, a thin gray panel of evening. Slanted shadows leaned from a line of trees where rain had slicked the sidewalk....
At Fourth and Main in Liberal, Kansas, 1932 (Written August 27, 1993) An instant sprang at me, a winter instant, a thin gray panel of evening. Slanted shadows leaned from a line of trees where rain had slicked the sidewalk....
Lakol Wacoun by Lydia Whirlwind Soldier I retreat to the edge of dreams empty my heart of haunting fears I fly with the red-tail hawk along the bank of rolling thunderheads into the mysteries of prayer “There is no word...
My Secret Heart Not just in my heart but in the secret space it holds. In the heart of my heart. In the place where I am myself. In the space that I protect the most and share the least....
Unison Benediction Return to the most human, nothing less will nourish the torn spirit, the bewildered heart, the angry mind: and from the ultimate duress, pierced with the breath of anguish, speak of love. Return, return to the deep sources,...
Inside the huge Romanesque church, the tourists jostled in the half darkness. Vault gaped behind vault, no complete view. A few candle flames flickered. An angel with no face embraced me and whispered through my whole body: "Don't be ashamed...
Having Come This Far I've been through what my through was to be I did what I could and couldn't I was never sure how I would get there I nourished an ardor for thresholds for stepping stones and for...
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